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Team as a Service

We analyze your project and develop your idea with a highly individualized and experienced project team. We use an agile approach throughout, whether with SCRUM or Kanban.

TaaS - Team as a Service

Our aim is to deliver an initial live version of your idea as quickly and efficiently as possible in order to then incorporate feedback from users and stakeholders in very short development cycles.
Our teams usually consist of a product owner, who works with the stakeholders to record the requirements for the project and is responsible for implementation and quality assurance, and a scrum master, who ensures a smooth development process.

And, of course, the developers themselves, who ensure a technically high-quality and well-documented implementation. Our well-established team can get started immediately and does not have to find its feet internally first. Newly assembled teams usually go through a time-consuming process to reach peak performance after a few months. Save yourself these months of familiarization, our teams perform from day one.

A well-coordinated team for your project

  • Rapid project development, bypassing inefficient company processes
  • Rapid generation of business value
  • Development of user-centered applications
  • High project transparency thanks to short development and release cycles
  • Continuous involvement of all stakeholders

Are you looking for developers?

<Wir haben Entwickler./>

We offer a professional team for a new project in your company or individual specialists to enrich your existing teams - explicitly tailored to your individual use case.

Max Knopf

Contact us today and together we will realize your digital solution.

Start your project inquiry now

Sprechen Sie mit einem unserer <Experten/>

Start with a non-binding project inquiry and let our team of experts for agile development and architecture provide you with comprehensive advice on your project.